Using Glucose Alarms
When in range, your Sensor automatically communicates with your device to give you Alarms. These alarms are on by default. See Setting Alarms section for information on setting alarms.


- For you to receive alarms, your phone should be within 33 feet of you at all times. The transmission range is 33 feet unobstructed. If you are out of range, you may not receive alarms. If you want to receive the App's optional alarms, make sure these are turned on.
- Do not force close the App. The App must be running in the background to receive alarms. If you force close the App you will not receive alarms. Re-open the App to ensure you will receive alarms.
- If you restart your phone, open your App to make sure it’s working properly.
- The App will ask for phone permissions which are needed to receive alarms. Allow these permissions when requested.
- If your phone is not configured properly, you will not be able to use the App, so you will not receive alarms or be able to check your glucose. Refer to the User Manual to make sure you have the correct settings and permissions enabled on your phone.
- You should disconnect headphones or speakers from your phone when you are not using them as you may not hear audio for alarms. If using headphones, keep them in your ears.
- If you are using peripheral devices connected to your phone, such as wireless headphones or a smartwatch, you may receive alarms on only one device or peripheral, not all.
- Keep your phone well charged and turned on.
- Disable your phone’s automatic operating system updates. After an operating system update, open your App and check your device settings to make sure it’s working properly.
- Some operating system features may impact your ability to receive alarms. For example, if you use the iOS Screen Time feature, add Libre 3 to the list of Always Allowed apps to ensure that you receive alarms or if you use an Android Phone do not use the Android Digital Wellbeing app.

Low, High, Urgent Low, and Signal Loss Alarms:
Tap to dismiss the alarm.
Tap to dismiss the alarm.

- The Urgent Low, Low, and High Glucose Alarms should not be used exclusively to detect low or high glucose conditions. The glucose alarms should always be used along with your current glucose, glucose trend arrow, and glucose graph.
- Low and High Glucose Alarm levels are different from your Target Glucose Range values. Low and High Glucose Alarms tell you when your glucose has passed the level you set in the alarm. Your Target Glucose Range is displayed on glucose graphs in the App and used to calculate your Time in Ranges.
- Make sure your phone is near you. The Sensor itself will not issue alarms.
- If the Sensor is not communicating with the App, you will not receive glucose alarms, and you may miss detecting low glucose or high glucose episodes. You will see the
symbol on the screen when the Sensor is not communicating with the App. If the Signal Loss Alarm is on, you will be notified if your Sensor has not communicated with the App for 20 minutes.
- If you see the
symbol, this means you are not getting glucose alarms because the Sensor is not communicating with the App, or the phone settings are incorrect. Refer to the User Manual to make sure you have the correct settings and permissions enabled on your phone.